In our family of acids and preservatives, we propose strategic ingredients for preserving and producing in the best way, avoiding oxidation, regulating the pH of food, increasing conservation and modifying or enhancing the flavor of the ingredients.

Widely used in the food industry, they are also very present in confectioneries, pastry shops, bars, beer and fermentation workshops, dairy products and bakeries. Essential in certain processes (for example, in the production of certain gelled products with pectins), our range of acids and preservatives includes the best sellers in the kitchen.

Below we will take a closer look to some of them, which we consider essential.

Citac, citric acid. Well known and used as a natural preservative and as a flavoring (to add an acidic point to food). Naturally present in limes and lemons, Citac is used as an emulsifying agent in ice cream to strengthen the emulsion, to prevent the crystallization of sucrose in candies, or as a substitute for lemon juice in different recipes (because it is easy to standardize in recipes and does not add liquid to the preparation). Citric acid has a neutral flavor (it does not add nuances to the acidity), so it is also used as a substitute for vinegar and wine.

Trac, tartaric acid. Of natural origin (especially present in grapes, bananas and tamarind), it is one of the main acids that are present in wine. It is industrially present in many products, for example, in combination with bicarbonate, it makes up baking powder. It is commonly used in fermentation workshops (production of wine, juices and soft drinks), in pastry shops and kitchens.

Asac, ascorbic acid. What we commonly call vitamin C is usually one of the most used ingredients to prevent the oxidation of fruits and vegetables (potatoes, apples, pears, bananas, avocado,… green vegetables (artichoke,…) and chlorophylls. For this simple fact, it is one of the best sellers in kitchens or pastry shops, modern or traditional.

In our family of acids and preservatives, there are other products such as Sp or Trt, for more specific uses. Although this family may seem less relevant, without the use of these ingredients certain preparations would be impossible, and some services, unthinkable.