Acids and preservatives Gelifieds Gelling Agents Hard jellies, moulded jellies, mechanical spherification and pâte de fruits Recipes Grated basil gelatin November 30, 2023November 30, 2023 0 Comments 1 Kg fresh basil c/s Asac 250 gr very cold mineral water 0,2 gr Asac7,5 gr Glan 30 gr sugar or 3 gr salt (to taste) 1. Blanch basil, using Asac everytime (in boiling and cooling water). 2. Drain on fish paper to remove water. 3. Mix together with the water of the recipe and Asac and blend for 1 minute at a high speed. 4. Strain with a Claribag and pour in a saucepan. Add in Glan and sugar or salt (depending on use). Bring to a boil while stirring. 5. Once it boils, pour into a container for gelling. 6. When gelled, grate with microplane.