The Crunchy are ideal to be applied as a visual and aesthetic complement, but above all, they are perfect to add an intense flavor in any elaboration, savory or sweet.
Perfect as a final touch for cocktails, dishes, desserts and petit fours, as it is a useful resource for flavor enhancing and it is visually very attractive.
Its format is intermediate (between 4 and 10 mm) and must be kept at all times away from moisture, otherwise it will lose its characteristics.
Added to any recipe as a complement to intense flavor and crunchy texture:
– in a dry mix, contribution of flavor to mixtures of cereals, cookies, dry meringues, crunchy textures, Oblats, candies, …
– mixed in fats: pralines, chocolates, pure paste, …
– as a final gesture in plating and direct elaborations of restaurant, pastry or cocktail bar.
It also can be added to any recipe in the moisture part (where they will change their texture, but maintain the intense flavor and color).
For longer life products (like the ones that are displayed in a pastry shop or cafeteria), or in which we need more conservation, the Crunchy can be bathed in cocoa cover or cocoa butter. If this coverage is aromatized with our Flavours Powder, the possibilities are endless.
The process of lyophilization, in which water goes from solid state (ice) to gas, called sublimation, allows the fruit to retain all its properties of color, flavor and aroma, by the fact that it does not suffer from oxidation by temperature at any time. In fact, when the water evaporates, the flavor and aroma of the ingredients is not just preserved, but concentrated. If kept away from light and moisture, freeze-dried plants can last a long time without altering their quality.
For their proper maintenance, we highly recommend the use of Dry Food Box.