Alginate reactive and hardener (Algi).
Presentation in coarse powder form, neutral in smell and taste
Direct spherification bath, where Calc is a key ingredient to make spheres or noodles directly. The alginate reaction occurs when it comes into contact with the chloride bath, forming a skin that will gel and increase in thickness towards the interior as time goes by. The more time elapses inside the bath, the more gelled it will be, until it is completely gelled. (the dosage will be around 5 – 10 gr / Kg, depending on the size of the sfera).
It also has an interesting use as a sferico hardener in the reverse process in a bath of mineral water and Calc at a dosage of 20 gr / L. (in this case, the contribution of flavor is not so noticeable, but the change in texture does).
In the food industry, it is used for the production of Surimi (crab substitute) and other fish imitation, even in different molded elaborations, and in the dairy industry in the production of cheeses, yogurts and curds in very small proportions, to prevent fat from separating from the water and obtain creamier cheeses. (After pasteurization there is a loss of calcium and it must be compensated for optimal setting).
8 – 10 gr / Kg